Dare to be Sober is the first in a series of books written to encourage and inspire. Inside you will find stories of courage, strength and the determination to change. This is a book whose mission is HOPE. The message that resounds loud and clear from each of these stories is that you can recover. Our wish is that you can believe recovery is possible in your life or the life of a loved one.
Elizabeth Kipp contributed Chapter 7: My Addiction Story – We Can Heal from Chronic Pain.
Paperback copies, personally autographed by Elizabeth Kipp.
The price is $10 plus $5.95 for shipping & handling (rate for US only) (for shipping outside the United States, please inquire directly to Elizbeth at Elizabeth@Elizabeth-Kipp.com
You can order an autographed copy from me ($10.00($US)+$5.95 s/h*) here:
*Sales tax included for KS residents and shipping rates are for the United States ONLY. For shipping rates outside the U.S. please email me directly at Elizabeth@Elizabeth-Kipp.com