
Free yourself from resentment, bring ease and peace into your life (even if life is uncomfortable right now)

Do you feel resentment, regret, guilt, or shame, or experience other self-sabotaging thoughts?

Release Yourself from the Source of Your Suffering

You struggle with forgiveness.

You feel anxiety, shame, and suffering around the resentment you hold towards others.

You are frustrated because you can’t seem to release a grudge, no matter what you do.

This is a form of chronic pain. Chronic pain is defined as any pain – physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual – that is felt for at least 15 days for three months or more.

Carrying the weight of anger and resentment for past hurts is a recipe for chronic pain.

My experience as a prior chronic pain sufferer is that forgiveness work helped me release the grip of chronic pain. I’ve seen the same result with others in chronic pain. This is why I am so excited to bring this to you – because it was such a powerful healer for me and so many others.

Maybe you have experienced the negative spiral of chronic pain. When we experience ‘pain,’ an unpleasant sensation, and we meet it with resistance or aversion, then we create suffering in anger, resentment, self-hatred, regret, and shame – and we’re adding it to the unpleasantness we noticed in the first place.

Forgiveness-Birds-medium.jpgThis cycle keeps you feeling like a victim. You hear yourself say:

   “I’m not good enough.”

   “I’m not there yet.”

   “I am not worthy.”

Forgiveness Program

There is a simple, but profound process to help you release the pressure of life you feel built up inside of you. It can shift and uplift your energy, heal past pains, dissolve self-destructive negative thought patterns, and help you find peace.

It’s like a reset button for your life.

This is the process I take you through in the 40 Days of Forgiveness Program.

The practice is simple to follow. That’s part of its extraordinary power.

Praise for The 40 Days of Forgiveness Program:

Elizabeth Kipp

“I was so happy to receive the 40 Days of Forgiveness Program that I am printing out each day for my daily practice and designing a pretty binder for them. They show a deep understanding of the many traumas and limiting beliefs that humanity has suffered from in our common history. I recognized something that applies to my generational background again, again and again. There is not one day I skip. I can highly recommend purchasing this program of 4o days of Forgiveness."”


Elizabeth Kipp

“Such a wonderful forgiveness program. I've signed up again.”

Re-wire Your Experience

In 40 days, our brains begin to re-wire and create lasting change.

Forgiveness-2-medium.jpgThe practices and lessons in this program are designed to help you...

  • Create positive change, bringing ease and peace into your relationships and your life.
  • Learn what to do with your feelings of guilt and shame.
  • Move out of suffering and into a thriving life.
  • Find paths to forgiveness toward yourself, your family, and others in your life.
  • Re-write your negative script around hurt, pain and self-judgement.
  • Create a positive and validating relationship with yourself.

My Forgiveness Story

Years ago, someone threatened my life in a fit of rage. At first, I was in shock, traumatized by the event. All I wanted to do was return to a sense of feeling normal.

I had to go through a process of healing just to recapture the ordinary. But, what ‘ordinary’ looked like to me after this event was forever changed because I now carried the memory and the charge I felt around it into every moment, even if unconsciously. I couldn’t forget what had happened, no matter how hard I tried.

I carried a grudge that weighed me down for years. My inability to release my feelings about it held the whole experience in a sort of limbo that never fully healed. Further, I noticed that I was judging myself for not being able to forgive this person.

In my healing journey, I found that the tools I learned for healing my chronic physical pain were also useful in healing my emotional pain.

The suffering we experience lives inside us just as our physical pain does. I have spent years learning and practicing different modalities of healing that I incorporate into this program and the work I do with others. I am an Ancestral Clearing Practitioner and Kundalini Yoga teacher, among other things. I have been working in the field of forgiveness for over a decade, and have spoken on this topic many times.

I am honored to share my years of experience, training and personal practice to help you on your own journey to peace, self-acceptance and empowerment.

Lizi arms up

Elizabeth Kipp

“Elizabeth holds space in the most loving way. Her skill and guidance while holding such a divine space, allows her to be a wonderful ancestral clearing practitioner and very magical energy worker. I am deeply grateful for how she has helped me on so many occasions and continues to do so.”

Birmingham, UK

Elizabeth Kipp

“Each day I looked forward to receiving my forgiveness email. It helped me in a way that a book doesn't - giving me a boost for my day and reminding me of why I bought it in the first place. Thank you, Elizabeth for such a thoughtful tool that I will use again and again.”

Bentonville, AR

Elizabeth Kipp

“I'm loving this practice! Your daily messages continue to lift burden, bring peace, and kindness to me. The letdown I have felt has been vaporizing. Thank you.”

Philadelphia, PA

What You Will Experience in the Next 40 Days

By following this practice, you will…

  • Train your mind and heart to let go and allow yourself to be free from the suffering of constantly revisiting past experiences.
  • Experience the richness of what the present moment offers.
  • Learn the actions steps of forgiveness in a step-by-step process.
  • Develop the ability to let go of ill will and resentment towards others and yourself.
  • Discover that even if you struggle with forgiveness, the intention to forgive is enough to begin healing from past experiences.
  • Feel lighter and more peaceful as you release past hurts.
  • Foster compassion for yourself and others. 
  • Experience peace of mind and ease in your life.
  • Walk into life with more confidence.
  • Be ready to live your life to its fullest potential.

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get ~ All For Only $47

40 Days of Forgiveness Program is a daily practice that will arrive in your e-mail each morning and includes:

  • The Teaching: a progression of steps to help you move from living with resentment to letting go through finding forgiveness
  • The Practice: start your day with a mindfulness exercise in releasing any resentments or regrets you harbor about past events in your life. You can complete it in 11 minutes.
  • A Daily Lesson on an aspect of forgiveness
  • Daily Inspirational Card
  • Powerful Forgiveness Prayer each day (Bonus)
  • Tools to help you forgive in all parts of your life (yourself, family, others)
  • Quotes from experts in the field of forgiveness to add to your toolkit
  • A community and support group on Facebook to sustain your practice and share your experiences and #40DaysOfForgiveness with others.
  • The Compassion to Forgive Ourselves
  • Forgiveness – Addressing Guilt and Shame
  • Forgive and Rewrite your Script
  • Forgive: Relieve Silent Suffering
  • Forgiving Brothers and Sisters
  • Befriend Yourself, Befriend Your Soul
  • Forgiveness: Between Creativity and Failure
  • Forgiving the Unforgivable
  • Release Yourself from the Past and Find Peace
  • Why Letting Go Is So Hard… and How to Make It Easier
  • Forgiveness: Shortcomings and Worthiness
  • Forgiveness: Forgiving vs. Forgetting
  • Peacemaking with Mother Earth
  • Forgiveness: Guilt and Shame Revisited
  • Fierce Honesty in Forgiveness
  • Releasing Anxiety and Worry through Forgiveness
  • Forgiveness for Anger – Ourselves, Others, Life
  • Forgiveness for Injustice
  • Forgiveness: When Forgiveness Seems Hard & How to Make It Effortless
  • Even More Self-Forgiveness
  • Clearing Self-Righteousness with Forgiveness
  • Forgiveness and Grief
  • Forgiveness and Healing Unresolved Hurt
  • Forgiveness and Making Amends
  • Holding a Grudge? Bring Forgiveness In
  • Forgiveness for the Lost and Abandoned
  • Suicide, Compassion, and Forgiveness
  • Forgiving the Inner Critic
  • Releasing Regret through Forgiveness
  • Forgiveness for Fathers, Sons, and the Patriarchy
  • Forgiveness for Women and the Matriarchy
  • Shower Yourself with Self-Forgiveness – The Five Forgivenesses
  • Forgiveness is Not Condoning
  • How to Live Forgiveness Every Day – Be Careful What You Say to Yourself
  • Forgiveness to Help Heal Broken Relationships
  • Forgiveness Between Parents & Children
  • Forgiveness for Communication – “I Didn’t Mean It Like That…”
  • Peacemaking Humans & Other Animals
  • Releasing Disappointment and Letdown through Forgiveness
  • When We Resist Forgiveness
  • Clearing New Spaces and Homes (BONUS)

Are you ready to experience the miracle of forgiveness?

Grab yours for ONLY $47.

Elizabeth Kipp

“I felt an enormous weight lifted from my shoulders, felt like it was very beneficial.”

Lawrence, KS

Elizabeth Kipp

“Elizabeth provided the safe, sacred space for me to process whatever came up ... uncomfortable feelings, past experiences, uncertainty. She allowed me to move at a pace that was comfortable for me and she honored every step of my healing. Her unconditional presence and reassurance encouraged me to keep healing, keep growing and keep letting go.”

Neenah, WI

Forgiveness Is The Path Forward

Forgiveness-3-large.jpgOur turbulent and chaotic world needs forgiveness.

You and I need forgiveness.

We need to forgive each other.

This 40 Day Forgiveness Practice will help you ground and center yourself every morning so you can face the world with clarity and confidence.

Let yourself be free and unburdened.

I hope that you’ll join us.

NOW $24